Saturday, December 26, 2009
late night/super early morning in NYC
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Strange strange.....
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Productivity: TIme Well Spent
Monday, November 16, 2009
BJJ training days
Sunday, November 1, 2009
random stuff
new training partners?
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
back to lifting
Sunday, September 27, 2009
refreshing eats: acai bowls-is there a cooler food in the world than this gem?
There not much that can come even remotely near close to what is a refreshing acai bowl after a hard session of training and rolling. The luscious juiciness of cool texture of blended fruits and acai is enough to recharge for hours yet delicious and you can eat it with a piece of mind knowing you are doing something great for your body and the inner foodie soul inside of yourself. Here are surefire steps to an awesome, no let me rephrase-LEGENDARY acai bowl.
step by step:
butterfly guard
Saturday, September 5, 2009
luscious fruit.....exotic? + tasty?+ expensive money making machine? +++
"huo long guo." The chinese name for the dragonfruit. FOr now it is relatively unknown but who knows, this thing could be the next acai, goji berry, noni juice or whatever the hell superfruit that sells for like a fortune with major marketing. But for now it is a tasty, refreshing little gem that is perfect for hot afternoons that pack with it a nutritional powerhouse. I used to see this weird little looking fireball thing at Whole Foods selling for like $8.99 per lb and + and thought I would not waste my money on that. Luckily, the local CHinatown here has this stuff for $2.99 per lb! As long as this thing is in season and reasonable price, go for it!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
TUesday night training
Monday, August 24, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
cookies and milk
that is like the perfect combination for getting a new 30 pound donut around your waist. Why did they have to make the stuff so good and addicting? Not the cookies that are cheap and overly processed but that stuff with natural and organic ingredients. Add that to some organic milk and then it's time to go overboard. I just had 14 cookies and 6 large glasses of milk. Need more!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
honey, please!
High Fructose Corn Syrup-What do I do?
The much heated debate for quite a while now is high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). While many blame this overused and cheap form of sugar for being responsible for a plethora of health complications, many others argue this and say it is perfectly safe. Let’s take a look at some facts.
-HFCS is relatively new. We don’t know the long term health effects of it but, we may very well be witnessing it right now in front of our eyes as our new generations who have had the most exposure to it takes on an incredible obesity epidemic.
-Products containing HFCS have tried to advertise their products as “all-natural.” Fortunately, this was disputed in the court of law and found in favor of the opponents of this deceitful advertising scheme. HFCS undergoes heavy processing and requires at least one genetically modified enzyme to be produced.
-Supporters of HFCS claim that it is natural and fine when consumed in moderation. Well, there’s a huge problem. Nearly all packaged foods nowadays contain HFCS and it usually more often than not, lies near the top of the ingredients list meaning it is a primary ingredient. With people eating foods containing HFCS everyday, that is hardly considered a practice of “moderation.”
-HFCS is mainly found in foods that are already considered junk food. The bigger problem with this is that it has now crept its way into every kind of food imaginable. We find the stuff in whole wheat bread!
-Drinks sweetened with HFCS have been found to be quite rich in harmful carbonyl compounds. Diabetics are found to have elevated levels of carbonyl compounds and they have been linked to ailments such as eye and nerve damage.
-Supporters of HFCS usually are made up of those who benefit from it. Corn manufacturers and beverage producers back HFCS as it is largely used for them.
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I don't know about others but for me, pass the raw honey please!