Wednesday, September 2, 2009

TUesday night training

Last night of BJJ training went pretty good. Warmed up with drilling moves like:

hip escape mount to full guard>sit up kimura sweep>mount>partner repeats>switch 
armbar roll escape>hop over omoplata attempt>mount>armbar>partner escapes, etc.
takedown>submission hold (perfect scenario practice)

The drills flow beautifully and continue on without pause to reset as you and your partner switch turns indefinitely till time goes

Then going over half guard passes and repeated drilling and technique repetition. I haven't rolled for a while at near 100% since I hurt my tailbone and it isn't at 100% yet. Earlier in the day me and another friend were talking about CPR courses and carrying unconcious victims. My friend is near 200 lbs and as I tried to hoist him over my shoulders in a fireman carry, pain radiated throughout my sacrum. Anyways, me and my regular training partner start rolling and we didn't set the time to go off. We rolled and things started going back and forth as we struggled for position and submission. With countless attacks, defenses, and counters from both sides, time went by so fast that before we knew, 35 minutes had passed. We ended the session only after we were stalled in the currently infamous "50/50 guard." I still feel limited in terms of movement on some things as my ass still hurts but the free rolling today was ok even though the intensity level is higher than what I am used to since getting injured.  

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