THe normal brown belt who teaches the class was out with a rib injury so he brought in his friend who is a black belt from Gracie Humaita association. THis instructor is on good terms with my head BJJ instructor so he ended up teaching class. We went over good warm up drills but the technique stuck well with me. It consisted of:
Arm bar from guard>guys pulls arm out>omoplata to inside arm (without closing feet)>underhook their near leg with your near arm & grab own collar, (alternative-grab omoplata'd arm with same hand if possible. THis is hard if they have short arms/gi sleeve), secure their arm with free hand>kick the heel/ankles to the ground to buck them forward, then redirect horizontally to bring them over you and on their back>hold and secure trapped arm and pull up to straighten as this stops them from sitting up>keep turning to face him and secure mounted triangle/fall to triangle/triangle armbar.
After, we free rolled and I thought I held my own decently against a pro MMA fighter who was also a blue belt. Afterwards, I was lucky enough to roll with the guest black belt instructor. He brought his level down to mine I felt and let me work. I was in danger, escaped only to find myself in another bad position but was able to mount offense in the form of a half-guard V-Bar (my instructor's terminology!). THis was my best form of offense and he brushed it off as if he were swatting a fly. A very productive rolling session as I consider rolling with black belts awesome as they can feel so much going on and vary so many things. This black belt gave me constructive advice on what was good and bad, as if he were evaluating me and then letting me know all my flaws. Sadly, I had to leave to work but I came back that might for another BJJ training session. Trying to pull as much 2-a-day practices as I can for now. I just want to improve my BJJ, is that so much to ask?
I notice with black belts, they can lower and bring up their levels to roll with anyone they are going with. From blue to brown up to more skilled blacks, they can lower themselves and still give you a battle without completely annihilating you (if they want to). I hope to achieve this level of proficiency one day.
The night time session was awesome, going over a bicep spicer variation of open to guard to sweeps and taking the back. THe rolling session was more intense with a bigger class and more blue belts who were new to the school. ANyways, I was so spent and after going home to have a HUGE dinner of quinoa, kale, and 1/4 a turkey, I knocked out to go to bed. LEading till today....
Waking up at 9:30 when my Exercise Physiology class started at 9am! I felt like I needed the extra sleep to recover from the training. I slept in, ate breakfast headed to school but since skipping for first class for the day, I am now sitting in a coffee shop munching on an white chocolate macadamia nut cookie (clean ingredients of course!) and sipping on a huge amount of coffee, watching Robson Moura's cross guard instructional. Is it wrong to feel like I am actually making productive use of time right now? Well, after my 1pm class and work (which I totally enjoy), back to the gym for more BJJ training tonight!
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