Friday, August 7, 2009

lifting weights.....boring style

With living a healthy lifestyle on a list of things to do for me,  exercise takes its place among one of the most important factors. It helps keep me sane and provides a nice outlet to expand on. With doing BJJ, exercise seems merely like play as the time passes by quick and is enjoyable and I can feel progress by measuring myself against others. Too bad injuries happen though. Walking around for the last week with an injured tailbone, I haven't been able to do much exercise. The only exercise I have been able to do are some very static upper body lifts with lighter weights.

My workout:

flat bench w/45 lb barbell for 2 sets of 20 reps (warm up)
flat bench at 115 lbs for 3x10
biceps curl w/30 lbs barbell for 3x18
shoulder flexion (front raise) w/12.5 lbs for 3x10
shoulder abduction (lateral raises) w/12.5 lbs for 3x10

rotator cuff exercises-3X10 (L&R) internal, external rotation and horizontal abduction pull
lat pull downs w/70 lbs for 3x15
bent over triceps kickback w/10 lbs dumbbell for 3x20
hammer curls w/12 lbs dumbbell for 3x12
overhead dumbbell press w/10 lbs dumbbell for 3x15 

I know the 2 workouts above looked horrible but there isn't much else I can do for now being injured. Sometimes with the slightest shift of weight while holding heavy weights is gonna hurt even if it doesn't seems like much. I guess the 2 workouts could have been structured better but they both took less than half an hour but yet I though I would have dropped dead in the weight room from boredom. Is that even possible, to die from boredom? I guess the closest thing would be just falling asleep. Since I am not able to do my normal strength training routine which include mostly Olympic lifts and other multi jointed exercises, I would be bored to death as I am experiencing right now. I see many people who only do single jointed exercises all day and their routine revolves around it. I don't know if in that case I would have the fortitude of mind to be interested in exercising anymore. Thinking more, if the only exercising I did was just cardio and static weights, I can see why people lack motivation to even get started or miss a couple days of their program. For an individual like myself and many others, even if there were a strong behavioral change involved, it would be quite a challenge. But then again, thank goodness for Olympics lifts and to BJJ for keeping things interesting.  

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